A GREAT WEIGHT we carry if we overthink what might be or could occur. Hypotheticals can be helpful and are part of our survival DNA. They prepare us for action. They forecast all sorts of scenarios.
But hypotheticals can also have us spinning our wheels. Most are not real. I remember hearing of a Japanese study where only 2% of things worried about actually occurred. Rarely do we make think back to its value.
HYPOTHETICALS can deplete our energy and ability to discriminate what’s important - and what isn’t. Like icebergs, they generate their own weather. The body can’t tell the difference between what’s imagined and real.
Ruminations often create worry and fear. This triggers a physiological response (fight or flight). Cortisol and adrenaline flood into our bodies. Now we are even more susceptible to catastrophizing and worry.
THERE ARE THINGS WE CAN DO to slow down the march of hypotheticals - or stop them altogether. Here are some thoughts to consider:
Breathe. Consciously slow down.
What information do I have to worry about?.
Is there more information I need?
Is worry pointing to something I must do? (Action)
What would I do if I wasn't worrying right now?
IMAGINE being more present, experiencing more trust in ourselves, feeling better equipped to handle real problems when they arise. The mountain is always clearer from the plain.
We can’t control all our thoughts but we CAN gain control by careful watch. Managing overthinking is a process, not an instant solution. Be aware. When phantoms come calling, it doesn’t mean they always must enter through the door.

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